Picture Of Human Centipede

Human Centipede

What is the Human Centipede?

The Human Centipede is a horror movie that was released in 2009 which tells the story of a psychotic surgeon who kidnaps three tourists and surgically connects them, mouth to anus, to create a "human centipede". The movie was written and directed by Tom Six.

Why is the Human Centipede controversial?

The Human Centipede is controversial because of its graphic and disturbing content. The movie features scenes of torture, mutilation, and forced surgery that some viewers may find difficult to watch.

Human Centipede Graphic

Is the Human Centipede based on a true story?

No, the Human Centipede is not based on a true story. It is a work of fiction that was created by Tom Six.

What is the plot of the Human Centipede?

The plot of the Human Centipede revolves around a mad scientist who kidnaps three tourists and surgically connects them, mouth to anus, to create a "human centipede". The movie follows the three victims as they struggle to survive and escape from their captor.

Human Centipede Movie Poster

How was the Human Centipede received by audiences?

The Human Centipede received mixed reviews from audiences. Some viewers found the movie to be shocking and disturbing, while others found it to be overly graphic and gratuitous.

Is the Human Centipede considered a cult classic?

Yes, the Human Centipede has become a cult classic among horror movie fans. Despite its controversial content, the movie has gained a loyal following over the years.

Are there sequels to the Human Centipede?

Yes, there are two sequels to the Human Centipede. The second movie, titled "Full Sequence", was released in 2011 and features a 12-person centipede. The third movie, titled "Final Sequence", was released in 2015 and features a 500-person centipede.

Human Centipede Sequel

What is the legacy of the Human Centipede?

The Human Centipede has left a lasting impact on the horror movie genre. Its graphic and disturbing content has influenced other filmmakers and has sparked debates about the limits of artistic expression.

Is the Human Centipede recommended for viewing?

The Human Centipede is not recommended for viewers who are sensitive to graphic and disturbing content. It is a horror movie that is meant to shock and unsettle audiences.


The Human Centipede is a controversial horror movie that has gained a cult following over the years. Its graphic and disturbing content has sparked debates about the limits of artistic expression and has left a lasting impact on the horror movie genre.

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