Pine Ridge Reservation Facts

Pine Ridge Reservation is a large Native American reservation located in South Dakota, USA. With an area of 3,469 square miles, it is the eighth-largest reservation in the United States.

History of Pine Ridge Reservation

Pine Ridge Reservation was established in 1889 after the United States government took land from the Lakota Sioux tribe. The reservation has a long and complicated history with the US government, including the Wounded Knee Massacre of 1890 and the American Indian Movement's occupation of Wounded Knee in 1973.

Population of Pine Ridge Reservation

The population of Pine Ridge Reservation is approximately 20,000, with the majority being members of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. The reservation has a high poverty rate, with over 50% of the population living below the federal poverty line.

Economy of Pine Ridge Reservation

The economy of Pine Ridge Reservation is primarily based on agriculture and tourism. However, the reservation faces significant economic challenges, including high unemployment and a lack of infrastructure.

Education on Pine Ridge Reservation

The education system on Pine Ridge Reservation is struggling, with high dropout rates and low academic achievement. The reservation has a shortage of qualified teachers and a lack of resources, which contributes to these issues.

Healthcare on Pine Ridge Reservation

The healthcare system on Pine Ridge Reservation faces significant challenges, including a shortage of healthcare providers and a lack of resources. The reservation has high rates of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, which are exacerbated by poverty and limited access to healthy food options.

Social Issues on Pine Ridge Reservation

Pine Ridge Reservation faces a variety of social issues, including alcoholism, drug addiction, and domestic violence. These issues are often linked to poverty and a lack of access to resources and support services.

Cultural Significance of Pine Ridge Reservation

Pine Ridge Reservation is a significant cultural and spiritual site for the Oglala Sioux Tribe. The reservation is home to many sacred sites and ceremonies, which are an important part of the tribe's culture and identity.

Tourism on Pine Ridge Reservation

Pine Ridge Reservation is a popular destination for tourists interested in learning about Native American culture and history. The reservation offers a variety of cultural experiences, including powwows, traditional crafts, and guided tours of sacred sites.

Environmental Issues on Pine Ridge Reservation

Pine Ridge Reservation faces a variety of environmental issues, including drought, deforestation, and water contamination. These issues have a significant impact on the reservation's agriculture and tourism industries.

Efforts to Improve Life on Pine Ridge Reservation

There are many organizations and individuals working to improve life on Pine Ridge Reservation. These efforts include initiatives to improve healthcare, education, economic development, and infrastructure on the reservation.


Pine Ridge Reservation is an important site for Native American culture and history, but it faces significant challenges related to poverty, healthcare, education, and social issues. Efforts to improve life on the reservation are ongoing, but much work remains to be done.

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